Many factors come into play when people are looking to move to another city or state. Some people may move to look for a better job opportunity, families may move to a city or state with a better school system, but a lot of people and families move to a more economically stable and beneficial city and/or state. When it comes to moving to be better economically situated, that could also have many of its own facets; like: moving to a state with lower state taxes, lower property taxes, higher median household income, lower median housing cost, and moving for more affordable healthcare.
Baton Rouge movers know that while increasing the availability of Medicaid in Louisiana is not ideal to a lot of citizens, the extent to which it can actually help residents within a particular area, is great. Certain states that did not approve Medicaid expansion are: Florida, Alabama, Texas, and Mississippi, making it so that 4.3 million Americans will be without coverage next year, across 22 states. But, the state of Louisiana is currently making the decision whether or not to combat that issue.
Relying on data from the Urban Institute, expanding Medicaid in Louisiana would give better health coverage to over 193,000 low-income residents in 2016. Among those who would be helped, 56% of them hold jobs that breakdown to: 34,000 food service workers, 25,000 who work in sales, 17,000 in office and administrative support jobs, 24,000 in construction, 22,000 in cleaning and maintenance services, 14,000 in transportation, and 14,000 in personal care – like child care workers.
Having access to Medicaid means lower health care costs and fewer economic struggles for low-income workers. If the expansion initiative for Medicaid in Louisiana is passed, 27,400 residents would have a better chance at being able to pay their bills in 2016, since they will not have to pay for high healthcare costs that do not suit their budget. Baton Rouge movers look forward to seeing the outcome for Louisiana Medicaid in 2016, and, if passed, expects that it could make Louisiana more appealing for those who are looking to move to a more affordable area in terms of healthcare.